Thursday, July 30, 2015

North Country Brew News July 30, 2015

A Sunshiny Day to our wonderful customers!

I am starting this blog to keep you connected with the "goings-on" in Production.

I plan to send you an update each week, so you will be well aware of what's brewing.

{I covet your patience, as it may take a few tries to iron out the wrinkles.  :)}

First, I want to thank the many of you who contact us regularly for our beer.  We are grateful for your hard work and loyalty.  For those who have not been a frequent in ordering, what can we do to make your experience better?  I am trying to work out a way we can visit you all more often, and possibly bring you a mini growler to sample our latest beers.  For example, our Dingleberry Ale has a strange name - and one may wonder what the heck does THAT beer taste like?!  Well, I can assure you that once you sample it, you'll want ALL your customers to have it!  It is incredibly delicious!!

That being said, here is this weeks beer focus:

Locals Only Session IPA      ABV 4.1%    1/6 and 1/2 Kegs
This beer has more hop flavor than our Paleo IPA and our Stinky Hippie Pale Ale.  It is very satisfying to the HOP LOVERS - yet, the low ABV makes it very drinkable for a long time.  You could enjoy several of these throughout an evening with friends without getting sloppy.  A portion of the proceeds go to a local business start up.
1/6 Keg  $55    1/2 Keg  $115

Dingleberry Ale     ABV 7.1%       1/6 and 1/2 Kegs
This Belgian Ale uses over 300 lbs of blueberries per batch, and is finished with infused raspberry tea.  It's got a berry coloring to it and the flavor is rich and deep.  This is more than a fruit bowl, with a heartwarming follow through that will make you smile. 
1/6 Keg  $65     1/2 Keg  $130

Uncle Ray Searage's Bucco Blonde Ale     ABV 4.9%      Cans, 1/6 and 1/2 Kegs
Blondes really do have more fun!  You can drink this refreshing ale for everything under the sun!  A part of the proceeds to go Make A Wish Foundation.
Case: $20     1/6 Keg  $42     1/2 Keg     $96

We are excited about this autumn pleasure...we'd like your help in letting us know how much you will need to put a jack-o-lantern smile on your customers faces! 

Cases: $30    1/6 Kegs  $65     1/2 Kegs  $130



Contact Jocelyn
Graphics and Promo Site (username: promo      password: Station33!)
North Country Brewing Co Website

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